27 Apr

Wonderful wise words.
I’m always excited to see what William will share next. Thank you.

Black's Jewels

I can help you walk but you have to stand on your own first.

Think of the basic premise of walking, then add in carrying another person’s body weight, you quickly realize there is only so long you can hold them up. This is the same when it comes to life challenges. I can help you get through the death of a loved one but you have to want to get past the grief yourself. I can help you find a job but you have to do your resume and decide what kind of job you want. I can help you exercise but you have to alter your eating habits and decide to make some life changes. I can do a lot to help you but you have to meet me halfway by putting effort into standing on your own. One you learn to hold yourself up, we can make…

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2 Responses to “”

  1. The Hook April 30, 2012 at 5:01 pm #

    Excellent share…

    • terriblytorn13 April 30, 2012 at 7:32 pm #

      I love his stuff and he takes his own photos for his blog headder

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